
Help us spread mental health awareness

Why sponsor?

Mental health care is essential as it influences our capacity to manage stress, interact with others, and make choices in life. By championing mental health awareness, we can dismantle the barriers of stigma, encouraging more people to seek support openly. Supporting this cause not only enhances access to crucial mental health services through better funding but also fosters a healthier community overall.

Your sponsorship of our mental health awareness event will help educate the public, leading to early intervention and reducing the long-term impacts of mental disorders. This is an opportunity to make a profound difference in countless lives. 85% of your sponsorship goes to Reset Effect and the remaining 15% goes to To Write Love On Her Arms.

  • Gold: $200 and under

    • Logo on event t-shirt
  • Platinum: over $200

    • Logo on event t-shirt
    • Logo on course signage
    • Social media shoutout

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Please fill out the form below and we will be in touch!